Additional Loan Adjustments
Additional Loan Adjustments
It is true that debtors serving their loans are not treated as crucial problems solved by banks, since the priority is given to red loans. Nevertheless, because those borrowers who are aware of and request lower installments, mainly through the fall of interest rates, are themselves the ones who will receive loan in the future, if they so request, all requests have begun to be seriously considered by credit institutions.
KMD Law Firm can assist you by preparing your envelope in order to file your application to the banks and get the desired result. Solutions certainly exist for every debtor case and are the result of knowledge, data, work and perspectives of the associate law firm of our company. With great diligence and zeal, we make your representation before the Banks in order to achieve the best possible loan repayment plan for each borrower, adapting to the particularities of each circumstance.
In our legal arsenal we have Act 4161/13 which establishes a facility for up-to-date borrowers or for borrowers that have not yet been denounced in their debts. It relates only to debts that are debited to the debtor’s main residence, whether they are housing or consumer or repairer loans. This law has advantages in comparison to the Katseli law, such as the fact it manages to solve the guarantor’s problem: By placing the debtor in the facility, the guarantors do not face any problems. Of course, it also has relatively disadvantages, such as that no debt is cleared.