The coronavirus pandemic foregrounded both “remote working” and “digital nomads”, who are
able to work from anywhere in the world via Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Through the amendments made by the Greek Law 4825/2021 to Article 14 of Law 4825/2021
digital nomads are now able to obtain a 12-month visa to enter Greece.
Specifically, third country citizens (non-EU), self-employed, freelancers or employees, who work
remotely using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) with employers or customers
outside Greece (digital nomads) for a period of up to twelve (12) months, can apply for an entry
visa by submitting the necessary documents.
The competent authority for the submission of the application and supporting documents is the
Greek Consular authority of the country where the person concerned resides. Within ten (10)
days the request is answered, and the national visa is granted, provided that the specific
requirements of the law are met.
In addition, the above applicant may be accompanied by his/her family members who, however,
are not allowed to provide dependent employment or engage in any form of economic activity
in the country, while the applicant himself/herself must prove that he/she has sufficient
resources (3.500€ per month) to cover his/her living expenses without burdening the national
social welfare system.
Once granted, the permit may be renewed every two years for both the ‘digital nomad’ in our
country and the accompanying family members upon request.
Finally, the holder of this residence permit may be absent for a period of six months per year
without this preventing the renewal of the residence permit.
Attorney- at- law
Elena Xanthopoulou